Monday, October 16, 2006



Lots going on these days if you’re a baseball fan, especially of the Mets, Tigers, or Cardinals. With the Cardinals winning at Shea, and beating up on Billy Wagner, I now like the chances of a Cardinals Tigers Series. That was a big win for them, getting out of New York with a split, and now having the confidence they can win it at Shea if they don't win three at home. An interesting sidebar to this Series would be Jim Leyland managing against Tony LaRussa, best of friends.

The Tigers and Leyland are playing baseball the old fashion way. "Gettem on, gettum over, gettum in" and slap on the leather. A very emotional team, lead by Leyland, who now has become the Bill Parcells of baseball. Funny how a guy can have an abnormal effect on a baseball team. There is a "recycle bin" of managers and coaches from which the GM's shops from every off season, and Leyland was a prize catch for Dave Dombrowski last year. If they had a Mount Rushmore for manager's faces, my picks would be Bobby Cox, Tony LaRussa, Sparky Anderson, Earl Weaver, and Jim Leyland. (Baseball's version has 5)

One more thing on the Tigers. Joel Zumaya, yes, I managed against him in the 2004 Florida State League and 102 MPH is visually faster than all other hard throwers, including Ryan. I was glad I was the manager and didn't have to hit.

Our prayers at are with the Cory Lidle family. Cory was a friend from his Phillies days. We chatted many times about things, I'll remember telling him how he could get strike one with his slow curve anytime he wanted. Life can throw you a hard curve too, when least expected. He lived his life to the fullest. He will be missed.

Next week we'll chat about the Series and managerial and coaching opportunities.



Blogger LarryB said...

It's absolutely true about putting things in the prespective of their era. If the home runs of the late 90's were partially fueled by steroid use, MLB looked the other way because after the strike it desparately needed a boost. Back in the days of Ruth, don't tell me some ballplayers weren't on amphetamines.
I read your 12/24 article and want to add two more players that I don't understand not only why they aren't in the Hall but aren't even considered - Jack Morris and Burt Blyleven. Who can forget Morris's World Seies perfomances? Both were dominant pitchers for ten years and very good for another ten. And similarly I did not forget Jim Rice. Thanks.

9:58 AM  
Blogger socalbbfan said...

Just found this website, looks great. Keep up the good work in getting Pete Rose in the HoF. Yes, he gambled on baseball, but that means a ban on participating in the sport, and nothing to do with being in the HoF. Why MLB suddenly had to stab Pete in the back like that after all he did to make the sport exciting, I have no clue. They also should not reinstate him and then turn around and declare his 15 yrs eligibility for being voted on has expired. That would be pure cowardice on the part of MLB.

9:27 PM  
Blogger Bill R said...


I'm not sure I'd say Babe Ruth was fueled by Amphetamines. Maybe hot dogs, beer an whiskey, but not "greenies". When we talk about Amphetamines we can clearly talk about players from the 60's through the 2005 season so let's throw that drug out. Do you really think it helped Schmidt lead the league with 38 homers for 3 years?? Let's look at Aarons career, the most homers he hit in a single season was 45 so speed didn't help that. Let's face it HGH and Steroids are a lot more beneficial to a home run hitter. People argue that you still have to get the fat of the bat on the ball but guess what, these guys are already among the best in the world at doing that. If you can juice and add 10 to 25 feet more on a fly ball, guess what, it means a LOT more HR's in a season. Home runs will still be prevalent now because the power alleys in the new stadiums are 20-30 feet (at a minimum) shorter than they were in the 1950's thru the 1980's. That's a fact although don't quote me on the exact measurements. I remember when Schmidty used to visit St Louis and the power alley was 385 feet. When Mr MgWired played there it was at best 370. Sure you can say it doesn't mean a lot for a guy who hits the ball 500 feet but a fair number of his HR's were not that far over the wall. Power alley is everything to a home run hitter. Check the stats to see how many home run hitters hit homers down the right or left field line.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Off The Cuff Cliff said...

For me those joining the 500 home run club in later years of the 1990's are watered down achievements in my opinion. There are lots of reasons for this. Schmidt earned his over 500 the real deal natural hard effort way. That's why he entered the HOF without question. Philly was tough on Mike, but even local sincere superstars as to Philly can be bums of the week or month.
Good going to Michael Jack to survive those ultra tough Philly fans, tough but sincere and from the heart as to their gut feelings at any given game.
They like best 100% effort win or lose.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Off The Cuff Cliff said...

As to Pete Rose, there would be no way he would not be in the hall of fame if he were a non-white player. It's the sign of the times. The talent would shine through and should into the HOF ASAP with Chaaaalie Hustle!

2:57 PM  
Blogger carol said...

Hi Mike,
I think you are the greatest player ever. I have been following your career since I was 7 years old and I saw you hit a homerun. I have around 200 different cards of yours. My favorite one I have is your rookie card. I just got it for Mothers day. It is now my favorite card in my collection. I read your book, Clearing the Bases and thought it was great. I learned alot about baseball that people think we know but we don't.
I am also a Pete Rose fan and think that he should be in the HOF. People bet on stuff everyday. whats the big deal its not like he fixed the game it could be worse.
You are great thank you for all the memories of when you were playing and all the fun times I have collecting as many different cards of yours I can!!

12:37 PM  

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